Hanover, MD 21076 DEJonesMinistries@gmail.com

DeWayne E. Jones

Founder & CEO

Photo of DE Jones and son, Miles.

I seek to redefine what it means to be a modern man of faith. My focus is in building into individuals and on serving our community.  In fact, everything I do is based on Discipleship. My messages seek to inspire the world by defying cultural, religious, and socio-economic norms and/or boundaries. Whether through music, testimonials of faith or encouraging messages, it only takes a few minutes of connecting with me to understand why I am so passionate about the Lord. My prayer is to reach people who are seeking to make peace with their past, maximize their present, and deepen their relationship with God. 

My focus is in building into individuals and serving our community.

I have over 20 years of ministry experience serving in the areas of worship; men’s ministry lead; small group lead; Prayer; singles ministry; marriage ministry and other ministry support.  Currently, serving on the worship ministry and participating in support of the Men’s Ministry, the Singles Ministry and multiple small groups at Bridgeway Community Church located at 9189 Red Branch Road, Columbia, Maryland 21045.  Through my years of service, I have learned a lot about what works and hope to use this venue as means to lead new believers to Christ and to help them grow in their faith. 

From the Beginning

I would suppose, God has always been looking for me to find Him, but I did not need just a push to seek Him, I needed a slap in the face.  I grew up going to a small Methodist church in.  I believed in Jesus Christ, but always saw the commitment as pretentious when I would see people out in the clubs at night and in the church choir on Sunday.  I went to church out of obligation and respect for my mother rather than obedience and relationship.  

Still after entering the United States Army, I found myself in Germany with no friends lost, alone and confused about life after a friend I had met there committed suicide.   It was then that I meant a man that seemed to have the peace I needed.  We became friends, and I started going to his home for Bible studies weekly.  Through these Bible Studies in his home, I grew in faith and had a commitment to God, but as the scripture tells us in Matthew 13 that (some seeds fell on the path and birds came and ate it.)  Well, now I knew some Bible, but it fell on the top of the soil and did not take root enough in me to pursue the faith after returning from Germany.  I now knew some Bible but lacked relationships with other believers that would feed what I had learned.  I was armed with some knowledge and now judgement, so I could not or would not go to church, because I thought that most churches did not teach or live the Word.  Like many of us, I did not fully understand Gods Divine plan for my life until I had gone through a divorce and some difficult life challenges.  

Gods plan came to fruition after the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist plane attacks on September 11, 2001.  On that day I was on my way work, as I came upon the Pentagon, I could see the smoke in distance when I got the call for me not to come in to work that day.  It was then that I realized that my office was just a few miles away and I could have just as easily been me in one of those buildings.   I asked to help me find a church that would help me make sense of it all.  I found a church that following Sunday.  I stayed near the back of the church not wanting to be noticed, but as God restored me, I moved closer and closer to the front. I joined this Pentecostal church that focused on worship and speaking in tongues. In that environment I finally met God in a more tangible way.  I developed an active committed prayer life eventually moving on to be trained and installed as a Minister at another church as lead over the Men’s Ministry and as lead for other small groups.  

I write devotions, have a podcast (coming soon!), and share my life in hopes that it might encourage YOU, help YOU to grow in your faith and inspire YOU to make wise Biblically sound choices today that will build the tomorrow of your dreams. If you need a friend for the journey who will keep it real, write it, share it, make it plain, and cheer YOU on to choose well I hope this website would feed YOU to Gods glory. I love working to uplift others in hopes that we can all bring more light, love, and beauty to this world.  My God Bless you on this journey!